Are You Tired and Worn Out

by | Oct 30, 2013

2 Corinthians 12:9a   And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for My strength is made perfect in weakness.

One of the toughest things for me to do sometimes is to rest in God’s grace and allow his strength to get me through when it just seems I am just struggling so hard and not getting anywhere.  That is usually the problem when we feel like just giving up we have been struggling in our own strength instead of allowing God to take over and be our strength!  A lot of the time I don’t even realize that I am trying to do it all myself until I come to the end of my rope and my energy is spent and it hits me that I haven’t allowed God to help and guide me through.

Let me suggest this Ladies before you quit, ask Noah how it went, or ask Elijah how it went or better yet even ask Jesus how it went!  Talk about facing tough things in life, they saw worse situations in their lives than we will probably ever see, well at least hopefully.  Do you think any of them could have made it through everything they faced without totally relying on God’s strength within them?

God promises to be our strength when we hand everything over to Him.  Trust me, it isn’t always easy because our human nature wants to be in control, but the best is yet to come as you give it up to Him and allow Him to be your strength in whatever it is you are facing today!  Life can be so overwhelming at times if we are trying to do it all by ourselves so ask God to show you today what areas you are holding onto instead of allowing Him to be your strength.

Quote:  “It’s always better to face the truth, no matter how uncomfortable, than to continue coddling a lie.”  Lou Holtz


  1. Linda

    I’m just reading and reading. I so need this. I wish I had gal pals to do a bible study with on this topic. Things just keep getting worse. I keep praying. Where is He? I feel like Job. I feel like David. “Do not hide Your face from me O Lord.” Hopelessness should lead to hopefulness. And that’s the place I need to be at.

    Please keep writing & praying. You are very inspiring.

    • Janet

      Thank you for your encouragement Linda!