Is It Your Turn to Speak Up? Let Your Actions Speak First!

by | Sep 12, 2012

Exodus 4:31  And the people believed; and when they heard that the Lord had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped.

Moses was so worried about going back to talk with the Israelites to let them know that God had heard their cries and wanted to deliver them because He didn’t think they would believe him or listen to him.  His words were basically “who am I that they would believe me” and God finally became frustrated with Moses because He wouldn’t just believe that God would give him the words to say and that he would open the doors.  If the people rejected him then he was released from the responsibility.

Are there people in your life that God has told you He wants you to tell them about your faith?  Are you like Moses making all sorts of excuses for why you can’t, after all you have to work with her or maybe it is a family member and why would they listen to you?  Do you have an old friend that you weren’t exactly the best example for that God has burdened your heart about?  IF God is pressing you to share your faith then understand this;  if He has told you to do it He has already begun to work in their hearts and if they reject Him it is Him they are rejecting, not really you and the biggest reason of all is that you do not want them to die not knowing Him.

When God asks us to do something for Him He will prepare the way and He will prepare the hearts of others that will be affected by His request.  Pray for God to prepare the hearts of those you care about and pray for His words and for those you aren’t close enough to reach pray that God will send someone to speak with them as well.

Tomorrow’s Bible Study is going to be the “line up” of verses for salvation so if need be you can even just share tomorrow’s Bible study with someone you care about that may need to know what the plan is to allow God to be Lord of their life and to be able to prepare for eternity.  With all that is going on in the World today people are looking for answers more than ever and if we don’t give them to them someone else will lead them the wrong way!

I pray today that we will all become better at sharing our faith with all those around us, not becoming obnoxious but by our lives showing others by example a life that is changed by Christ so they will want it to.  Don’t be beating people you love up with scripture, live out your testimony first and foremost, make sure you are in a position to speak into someones life and when God opens the door for you to share scripture with them it will be more affective.

Quote:  “He climbs highest who helps another up.”  George Matthew Adams