Who Cares?

by | May 28, 2014

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.

Is there something you heart is aching over today? Do you have godly people around you to help you walk through it? God cares about every tear you cry and He promises to heal our broken hearts, to give us joy to replace our mourning and to renew our strength! Hold on to your hope in Him!

Maybe today it isn’t you who is mourning something or someone in your life, maybe right now you are coasting along and things seem to be running fairly smoothly. Do you have a few minutes today to come along side someone and ‘weep’ over their situation with them and pray with them or maybe take them a meal or maybe just take them to coffee and allow them to just pour their heart out?

I was talking with a friend yesterday about how our hearts break for the homeless, ‘but by the grace of God that could be any of us.‘ I long to find more ways to be able to help them, they are hurting people who need to be shown the love of God! God makes it very clear over and over in His word that we are to take care of the poor, it is a command, not a mere suggestion. We all need to do a better job of taking the time to reach out to the people around us who need to see Him in all we do, to genuinely care about them because He loves them! Matthew 25:40 ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.‘ We will answer to God one day for how we treat others and it won’t be based on whether or not we thought they deserved our care.

I’m sorry but today seems to be a day of things God has made heavy on my heart. I get so busy somedays trying to keep up with our lives here that I have to remind myself that my call is also to care deeply about the wounded hearts of all women and to show the love of Christ to all and to pray for those who ask for prayer ~ that is the call He gives all of us! Will you please join me today, praying for Miriam, the lady in Sudan who is in prison with her two year old (the two year old is an American Citizen), Miriam is a Christian so the government told her to renounce her beliefs or they are going to kill her, she is pregnant and as soon as she has the baby they are giving it to a Muslim couple to raise and they will beat her and kill her, they won’t give the children to their father because he is a Christian. ( I cannot fathom……) Pray also for Saeed who is in prison in Iran, to be released from prison and brought to America to be with His wife.

I know this is somewhat an unusual Bible study for us but we need to take the time to care for others and if we don’t have time to do that we are way too busy!

Now, tonight I will be composing a new prayer list and I would love for you to send me any and all requests you may have. Please take the time as well if you have a praise for how God has answered prayer lately in your life to encourage others who need to see the power of God at work. I will add old prayer requests I have as well so if your prayer request that I have posted in the past needs updating please let me know that as well! I would love for all of us to be covering each other in prayer so we can become the godly, empowered women of God we are called to be! (Actually, feel free to send prayer requests if you are a man as well, this is not about gender it is about prayer and supporting each other!)  You can message me here or email me at [email protected]

Quote: “It’s not the things you get but the hearts you touch that will determine your success in life.”


  1. Sandra

    I’m asking for prayer for God to help me as I start new chemo medicine.I just finished 11 cycles of chemo and now I’m going to be taking the pill form this summer to give my body a rest.They have had very good results so please pray I will also with no side effects.I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 3c ovarian cancer and have been fighting ever day since 🙂 Please pray God will heal me completely where I can be a Blessing to Him and give others encouragement on this path. I also will be moving back to my hometown in the fall to be closer to my family ..Please pray God will direct and show me His will and way as I prepare for this move.Your posts mean so much to me and are so full of Hope.Thank you so much for all your prayers ❤️

  2. Betty Gula

    Please pray for my husband who is a functioning alcoholic and has not been saved. Please also pray for my son who is following in his father’s footsteps with the drinking. He is saved but has fallen away from God and doesn’t believe in the Bible anymore. It just breaks my heart. I love both of these men and know that God can change them and that prayer really works. Thank you so much!!

  3. Lisa

    Thank you for these gentle reminders today; as always, a blessing. I would like to request prayer for a Mr Pike, who recently lost a much beloved wife. He is a customer of the company I work for and he shared his despair with me over a phone conversation. My heart has felt heavy over his loss. Mr Pike shared how lost he was feeling and said he did not know how he was going to live without his beloved wife. I will be praying for Miriam and Saeed as well. Thank you for this opportunity to share prayers with each other. It helps to bring us together which is always a great thing! Blessings to all..

  4. sarah

    I believe prayer is essential. It is our duty to pray for others. Often we can be very self centered in our prayer life and we need to branch out and include those inflicted with such pain and hardship, those who do not know the Lord and desperately need our prayers. We are intercessory prayer warriors! With that, I would like to ask for prayer for my children’s father who does not have an intimate relationship with the Lord. Sadly, he divorced me a year ago and has someone else in his life. It hurts the children beyond words. I adore him to this day praying that God will miraculously bring him back home to his wife and children who unconditionally love him. What a growing time this has been for all of us. As painful as this has been, I have been blessed. God bless you and thank you for your prayers.


  5. Tanya

    Prayer Request:
    I have no one I can ask to pray for me and my family unfortunately but I am looking for a breakthrough. I feel as though everything that could possibly keep holding us back is doing so and it has got to stop. This cycle has been going on for years and I can not take it anymore. I am at my wits end. I have cried out to God and just don’t know how much more I can hold on.